5 Effective considerations help reduce behaviours that are challenging

We all present with behaviours that could be deemed as challenging, either to ourselves, others or our environment. People with specific learning, mental health needs or Asperger’s quite often present with behaviours that may be more challenging or disruptive. These behaviours are an expression of a need. This need could be related to communication, their environment or how they are feeling emotionally or physically. Within specialist-supported living services these individuals’ needs can be met within what is their own home, this enables their independence to flourish whilst at the same time their specific needs to be met. Here are 6 considerations that supported living services may use to support people to present with less challenging or disruptive behaviour.

  1. Environment

In supported living services people have their own tenancies, therefore their own homes. This means that supported teams working with each person can help them design and sustain their living environment which is specifically designed to meet their needs. Lighting, uncluttered living areas, and noise levels can be factors that need consideration.

  1. Activities

Having activities that re-direct positively is essential. Additionally, for people with Autism or Asperger’s syndrome a sense of routine, knowing what is happening next and time/consideration to transition from one activity to another is essential.

  1. Patience

A skilled staff team learns how to be patient, listen and respond to people’s individual needs. By doing this, problems that might escalate can be avoided.

  1. Positive behaviour support

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is an approach that helps people focus towards activities and actions that are of benefit and positive to meet their needs or address their feelings, thus replacing a more challenging behaviour. With supported living settings applying a PBS-style approach can enable a calmer and more settled home and support someone’s ability to sustain their supported living tenancy.

  1. Exercise

Having a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise is always a sensible approach. In supported living services people can be encouraged and supported to discover what activities suit their specific needs and wishes, and then staff work in support of them accessing their choices.