What does being a support worker at Liaise mean?

The individuals who live at Liaise have complex needs and restrictive behaviours but this does not mean that they cannot do anything for themselves.

Support workers at Liaise encourage the service users to be as independent as possible and only assist/support with a specific part of a task if they cannot do it alone.  They can do this in a number of ways such as:

  • Supporting people to learn by showing them how to do it. Using the least prompts required and increasing the support if needed.  It may take more time but the satisfaction received once the task is done will be rewarding and motivational.
  • Letting them be involved in every part of every task and if they need help, they will indicate this using their preferred form of communication.

It is important to promote choice and control for people who need care and support; they should be enabled to do as much as possible for themselves.  Where there is a risk to health or safety, it is important to think of ways that the person can be supported to maintain their independence rather than preventing them from doing the things they want.  The sense of achievement can be enhanced when we are praised by others so we always offer praise at all times.

We always remember what The Code of Conduct for Health and Adult Social Care Support Workers states:

That we must:

  1. Protect the rights and promote the interests of individuals, key people and others.
  2. Strive to establish and maintain the trust and confidence of individuals, key people and others.
  3. Promote the independence of individuals while protecting them as far as possible from danger or harm.
  4. Respect the rights of individuals while seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves, key people or others.
  5. Uphold public trust and confidence in health and social care services by protecting individuals from abuse, neglect and harm.
  6. Be accountable for the quality of our work and take responsibility for maintaining and improving our knowledge and skills.
  7. Take responsibility for how we communicate with and on behalf of individuals.