Residential Care for Autism

What is Residential Care for Autism?

Residential care is a service available to people with autism or other complex needs who are not able to live independently in their own homes. In residential care, specially adapted homes offer both accommodation and 24/7 support from dedicated staff. Since help is available round-the-clock, people can receive daily support that is specifically tailored to their needs.

Residential care homes in the UK are regulated by the Care Quality Commission to ensure that residents receive appropriate care and support. Regular inspections are conducted to make sure that all the residents are being provided with a safe, structured and nurturing environment.

Each of these homes should be well-equipped and carefully designed to support the needs of the people who live there. This could include special adaptations and equipment like sensory rooms, ceiling tracking, hoists or assistive technologies. Anything that allows the people living there to feel comfortable and safe in their surroundings.

The goal of residential care for autism is to create an inclusive and supportive community where individuals can grow, learn, and thrive while receiving the specialised care they need.

Learn more about residential care from Liaise.

What’s Included in Residential Care?

The services and assistance provided through residential care vary depending on the home and the care provider. At Liaise, each of our residential homes provides a safe and therapeutic environment where individuals with complex care needs can flourish and grow their independent living skills.

Our residential care packages include the following:

  • All accommodations, including a private bedroom and communal living areas
  • All meals
  • Daily activity programmes tailored to each individual
  • Support in finding employment, education or volunteering opportunities, where appropriate
  • Support in developing independent living skills such as cooking, shopping, banking and the management of health appointments
  • All transportation including to and from medical appointments and scheduled activities
  • Help accessing health and social community programmes
  • Medication administration and management
  • Support to positively manage specific anxieties or behavioural needs challenging to the individual or those around them

What are the Benefits of Residential Care for Autism?

Residential care for people with autism offers a range of life-changing benefits that contribute to their overall well-being and development:

  • Structured Environment: Residential care provides a structured and predictable environment. Consistency in routines and activities can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of security.
  • Specialised Support: These homes are equipped with trained staff who have expertise in autism support. They understand the unique needs and challenges of people with autism so they can provide tailored and effective support.
  • Skill Development: Many residential care programmes offer skill-building activities that target various areas of development, such as communication, social interaction, and daily living skills.
  • Social Opportunities: Living in a residential care setting provides opportunities for social interaction. Residents can engage with peers and staff in a supportive environment.
  • Therapeutic Activities: Residential care often offers a variety of therapeutic activities such as art therapy, sensory integration, and other interventions that promote emotional well-being.
  • 24/7 Support: Residential care ensures round-the-clock support, making it an ideal choice for individuals who require continuous support or supervision.
  • Transition Preparation: Some residential care programmes focus on preparing people for transitions, whether it’s transitioning to a more independent living situation or different life stages.

Be sure to take a look at our guide to the benefits of residential care for autism.

What to Look For in Residential Care for Autism

When choosing the right residential care for someone with autism, it’s important to consider all the factors that contribute to their well-being and development. You can also take a look at our guide on how to prepare for residential care.

Here are key elements to prioritise throughout your search:

  • Autism-Specific Expertise: Look for residential care facilities that demonstrate a deep understanding of autism spectrum conditions. Staff trained in autism support and intervention are crucial to ensuring tailored and effective support.
  • Individualised Support Plans: Prioritise providers that develop and implement personalised support plans. These plans should consider the unique strengths, challenges, preferences, and goals of each individual.
  • Sensory-Friendly Environment: Look for facilities that offer sensory-friendly accommodations and other adaptations. A well-designed environment can significantly contribute to comfort and overall well-being.
  • Social Interaction Opportunities: Consider the facility’s approach to social interaction. Engaging in group activities and interactions with peers can play a vital role in enhancing social skills and fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Staff Training and Ratios: Be sure to consider the qualifications and training of the staff, particularly concerning autism support. Adequate staff-to-resident ratios are essential to ensure personalised attention and a safe environment.
  • Behavioural Support: Understanding how the facility manages and supports challenging behaviours is crucial. A comprehensive strategy that focuses on positive behaviour support and addresses potential triggers is indicative of quality care.
  • Family Involvement: Explore how the facility involves families and caregivers in the care process. A collaborative approach that encourages family input can contribute to a more holistic and effective approach.

Our Residential Care Services for Autism

Liaise provides high-quality residential care and support to people with autism and other support needs, empowering them to live joyful and fulfilling lives.

Expertly Trained and Experienced Staff

Our staff teams and registered managers are specialists in supporting people with autism. We provide all our staff with an intensive training programme based on our years of experience and the latest research-based strategies for supporting autism and other complex behavioural needs.

Every resident benefits from specialised emotional and physical support provided by a team of expert staff members who possess training to address their distinct needs and goals. We meticulously pair our team members with each individual to cultivate genuine and constructive connections. Through personalised support offered by familiar faces, people feel comforted and reassured and this boosts their confidence and self-esteem.

Personalised Support Packages

We know through our years of experience that generalised support plans simply don’t work. By recognising that people are not all the same and celebrating these differences, we create individual support plans tailored to the unique personality and goals of each person we support.

Working closely with each individual, we create bespoke support plans that reflect the history, current situation and future goals and ambitions of each individual. Once our support plan is in place, we regularly review them in partnership with the individual to ensure we are always meeting our shared goals. Where appropriate, we welcome input from families, friends and advocates.

We work closely in partnership with local authorities, healthcare associations and registered housing providers to ensure we’re always delivering sector-leading care.

Our Quality Standards

We’re very proud of the high levels of support we provide. Our commitment to quality is reflected in our outstanding outcomes and sector-leading quality ratings. We’re proud to have achieved an outstanding CQC rating twice in a row for one of our services. Two of our other services have received an outstanding outcome in one of the five assessed areas as well.

Find Out More About Supported Living for Autism

At Liaise we provide personal, progressive and person-centred autism support designed to empower people to live richer lives.

Through our residential care and supported living services, people with autism and other support needs can learn independent living skills and develop friendships in a positive, structured environment.

We are here to support you and your family every step of the way. If you would like to learn more about residential care for autism, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.