Supporting Brian to thrive in the community, Oakdene

Brian* transitioned into our care at Oakdene House in Erith, in 2020, following an extended stay in hospital, where he faced significant challenges with his mental health. Having spent years in an institutionalised setting, Brian struggled with self-neglect, reluctance to engage in activities, and fear of social interaction. His mental health condition, exacerbated by the onset of COVID-19, further hindered his ability to adapt to his new environment. Additionally, Brian faced physical health challenges, which impacted his self-esteem and social confidence.

Initial assessment

Upon Brian’s arrival, the team at Oakdene recognised the seriousness of his situation. His poor mental and physical health posed significant risks, especially amid the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic.  Brian’s reluctance to engage in activities and socialise compounded these challenges. Furthermore, his dietary habits and self-neglect raised concerns about his overall well-being.

A personalised approach to progress

Despite these hurdles, our dedicated team embarked on a journey to support Brian in his path to recovery and independence. Understanding his apprehensions and health concerns, they adopted a personalised approach to encourage gradual progress. Initially, the focus was on addressing Brian’s basic needs, including personal hygiene and nutrition. Through gentle encouragement and innovative strategies such as incorporating his favourite jazz music into shower time and rewarding him with treats, we successfully motivated Brian to adopt healthier habits.

Milestones achieved

Over time, Brian’s transformation has been remarkable. With consistent support and encouragement, he not only improved his personal hygiene routine but also embraced healthier dietary choices, incorporating homegrown vegetables into his meals.

Expanding horizons

Our team’s efforts extended beyond the walls of Oakdene as the team encouraged Brian to participate in community activities and pursue personal interests. Through collaborative efforts, he gained confidence, attended appointments regularly, and even enrolled in a baking course, demonstrating remarkable progress in his journey towards independence.

Supporting Brian’s Continued Progress

As Brian’s confidence continues to grow, our focus shifts towards facilitating his integration into the community further. With plans to enhance his gardening endeavours and secure funding for his attendance at a local Day Centre, Brian’s goals are within reach.

Brian’s journey exemplifies the transformative impact of personalised care, empathy, and unwavering support. Through collaborative efforts and innovative interventions, the team have witnessed Brian’s remarkable progress from a place of vulnerability to one of empowerment and self-discovery.


*Names have been changed