Transition Planning

Transition can be a challenging yet exciting time in a young person’s life as they move towards greater independence. When we talk about transition, we’re discussing young people as they move from children’s services to adult services.

Children and young adults with support needs can face additional challenges as they transition into adulthood. However, when a move is properly planned to accommodate your loved one’s needs and everyone collaborates effectively, the transition can be an overwhelmingly positive experience and an opportunity for growth.

At Liaise, our team has extensive expertise in assisting individuals and their loved ones to navigate the uncertainties that arise during this time of change. By collaborating closely with you and your support system, we can devise a well-organised and adaptable transition strategy that can help alleviate your worries or concerns.

Our goal is to ensure that every person we support leads a happy, purposeful life throughout their transition period and beyond. Every day, at every step of the way, we are here to help you and your family thrive.

When to Start Planning

It’s a good idea to start planning for the future as early as possible. You can begin as early as Year 9 of schooling in England and Wales, which typically starts at around age 13 or 14. This period is known as the transition period, which lasts until the young person reaches the age of 18.

Different services may change at different points during this time and some transitions may take longer than others. However, with careful planning and preparation during this period, you can reduce the chances of any disruptions in services.

It’s important to encourage children and young people to identify the outcomes they want to achieve in their future. As they approach adulthood, these goals should be reviewed regularly to ensure they are still relevant and achievable.

It’s also important that young people have access to career advice and advocacy to support their preparation for adulthood. This can help them make informed decisions about their future and ensure they have the tools and resources they need to achieve their goals.

At Liaise, the young people we often support as they move to adult services have severe learning needs, which impact their lives and their ability to make choices for themselves.

It is common for the young people we support to also present with challenging needs, including physical aggression or heightened emotional distress. Their needs can make a transition process more complex as there are many factors to consider. With the support of our skilled staff and specialist teams, we devise bespoke transition plans for each young person.

Transition Assessments and Accessing Adult Social Care

If it’s anticipated that your loved one will have care needs after they turn 18, your local authority is responsible for providing you with a transition assessment. This assessment is designed to identify any needs a young person may have and to help plan for their future care and support. It’s an essential step in ensuring a smooth transition from childhood to adulthood and can help ensure that they receive the necessary services and support to meet their needs.

Parents of the young person can make a request for the transition assessment. There is no specific age at which this request should be made, and in some cases, it may be appropriate to request an assessment when the individual is as young as 14 or 15 years old.

The timing of the assessment will depend on individual circumstances, but it’s essential to ensure that the assessment is carried out in a timely manner so that proper planning and support can be put in place.

It’s crucial to ensure that there are no gaps in service during the transition between children’s and adult services. In England, the local authority is required to continue providing the individual with any children’s services they were receiving throughout the assessment process until adult care and support is available to take over, or until it’s determined following the assessment that adult care and support is not needed.

How Liaise Can Support Your Family

At Liaise we don’t just provide specialist care and support, we empower people to live richer lives. Through our residential and supported living services, people with varied support needs can learn, work and create lifelong friendships in a positive, structured environment.

We will work with your family to develop a flexible transition plan that ensures any young person with support needs has the safety and stability they need to transition into adulthood. Each of our support plans is created with our cherished values in mind: Positive, Progressive, and Personal support. We know this ensures that the people we support are given the inclusion and dignity they deserve.

We recognize that circumstances can change, so we regularly review and adjust individual care plans to ensure they continue to meet evolving needs. Our goal is to provide young people with the support and resources they need to make a successful transition into adulthood and to help them achieve their goals and aspirations along the way.

We are here to support you and your family every step of the way. If you would like to learn more about how we can support your loved one as they transition to adult services, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.