Supported Living for Young Adults with Learning Disabilities

Supported living provides tailored support to people living in their own homes, with their own tenancies. In supported living accommodations, a wide range of support services are available to help residents with their day-to-day needs. These services range from help with personal care or finances to assistance in finding work, academic or volunteer opportunities.

For many people with learning disabilities, leaving home for the first time can be challenging. Supported living provides a structured and welcoming environment where people with support needs can live confidently and independently whilst knowing a helping hand is always available.

Liaise is passionate about helping people with learning disabilities and other support needs to live as joyfully and independently as possible. Here you’ll find all the information you need about supported living for young adults with learning disabilities.

What is Supported Living for Young Adults with Learning Disabilities?

Supported living services are typically defined as a form of housing where support and care services are provided to help people live as independently as possible. Supported living allows people with learning disabilities and other support needs to receive the assistance they require in their own homes.

There are many types of supported living accommodations available. Some people will choose to live on their own, while others may live with roommates or in shared housing. Most supported living homes will also include special adaptations and technologies to help people with complex needs or learning disabilities in their daily lives.

People in supported living have individual tenancy agreements. The house itself is often provided through a specialist landlord whilst the individual support is offered by a care provider like Liaise.

Learn more about supported living from Liaise. 

What Are the Benefits of Supported Living?

Moving into a supported living home provides numerous benefits for people with learning disabilities or other complex needs, including:

  • Greater Independence: Helping people develop the skills they need to live more independently, such as learning to cook and meal plan or do laundry.
  • Choice: Enjoy more choice and control over their lives, including decisions about their daily routines, activities, and social interactions.
  • Safety: Providing a safe and secure environment, with staff on hand to help navigate any challenges.
  • Socialisation: Opportunities to socialise with others and build friendships.
  • Skill-building: People in supported living homes can receive support to develop new skills and pursue their interests, helping them to achieve their full potential.
  • Personalised Support: Supported living homes offer individualised support based on the unique needs and preferences of each resident, ensuring they receive tailored support designed to meet their needs.
  • Community Integration: Helping people to become more integrated into their local communities, through volunteering, education, and employment opportunities.
  • Family Support: Families enjoy peace of mind knowing that their loved one is being well-cared for in a supportive and nurturing environment.

What’s Included in Supported Living?

At Liaise, our supported living care packages can include help with any of the following:

  • Learning independent living skills
  • Meal planning, preparation and budgeting
  • Accessing social or leisure activities
  • Support in finding employment, education or volunteering opportunities
  • Community skills such as shopping, banking and managing health appointments
  • Identifying and claiming benefits
  • Cultural and religious support
  • Help accessing health and social community programmes
  • Medication management
  • Specialised positive support for anxieties or behavioural presentations that challenge the individual or those around them

Transitioning to Supported Living for the First Time

Embarking on the journey to supported living often marks a significant turning point in the lives of young adults with learning disabilities. This transition is both a remarkable milestone and a step into the unknown, so it’s important to provide people with the support they need to enjoy a smooth transition.

Here are some tips for young adults with learning disabilities and their families who are transiting to supported living for the first time:

  • Embrace the Change with Confidence: Approach the transition with positivity and anticipation. This is an opportunity for personal growth and new experiences that you can embrace wholeheartedly.
  • Understand Your Support System: Familiarise yourself with the available support services and get to know the staff who are there to assist you. Connect with fellow residents to build a network that uplifts and encourages you.
  • Communicate Your Needs: Express your preferences, concerns, and requirements. Engage in conversations to ensure that your unique needs are understood and met effectively.
  • Create a Personalised Space: Make your living space your own by decorating it in a way that reflects your style and makes you feel comfortable.
  • Learn Daily Living Skills: Participate in activities and workshops that interest you and that help you acquire new skills for daily living. Create routines that align with your personal goals and aspirations.
  • Stay Connected: Keep regular contact with family and friends, maintaining those important connections. Engage in community events to foster new relationships and a sense of belonging.
  • Seek Guidance When Needed: Don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek assistance when facing challenges. The support staff is there to help you navigate any obstacles you face.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Recognise and celebrate the milestones you reach along your journey. Take pride in the progress you make as you adapt to your new environment.
  • Stay Patient and Persistent: Understand that adjusting to change takes time. Approach this transition with patience and persistence, knowing that gradual progress is a natural part of the process.
  • Advocate for Yourself: Take an active role in shaping your own journey. Express your needs, desires, and ambitions to ensure that your well-being is prioritised every step of the way.

How Liaise Can Help

Here at Liaise, our goal is to create a safe, happy and enriching environment for people with learning disabilities. We believe that with the right support in place, a full and independent life is possible for everyone.

In our community-based homes, our dedicated staff works hard to promote personal growth and social interaction. We encourage the people we support to learn new skills, build meaningful relationships and achieve positive outcomes in their lives.

We know that people with learning disabilities often have overlapping support and health needs, so we offer a range of flexible residential and supported living services. This ensures every individual has access to the tailored support they need when they need it.

Learn more about supported living or contact our friendly team to learn how we can support your family.