How to Support Adults with Learning Disabilities

A learning disability is a lifelong condition that affects the way people learn new things. There are many types of learning disabilities ranging from the mild to learning disabilities that significantly impact most aspects of a person’s daily life. People with learning disabilities may find it challenging to learn certain skills, understand complicated information or carry out everyday activities.

But this does not mean that people with learning disabilities can not live full and enriching lives. People with learning disabilities can work, live alone, learn new skills and have meaningful relationships, they may simply need some extra support in certain areas of their lives. Others may need ongoing support and assistance daily so that they can enjoy a fulfilling life.

While all learning disabilities are different and every individual is unique, here are some practical tips on how to support someone with a learning disability:

Encourage their independence and autonomy

People with learning disabilities are unique individuals like everyone else with their own abilities, challenges and strengths. It’s important to provide support that encourages their independence and active participation in their own lives.

Here are some ways to encourage independence and autonomy:

  • Identify and nurture their strengths: Focus on the individual’s abilities and help them recognise and develop their talents and interests. This can boost their confidence and sense of self-worth.
  • Set realistic goals: Work with the person to set achievable goals that align with their interests and capabilities. Break down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps to help them understand the journey to completing their goals.
  • Provide opportunities for decision-making: Encourage the individual to make choices and decisions in their daily life. This could involve selecting their own activities, making personal choices, or participating in decision-making processes.
  • Encourage independent living skills: Support the development of daily living skills such as personal care, money management, effective communication, and problem-solving. These skills empower individuals to express their needs and live with greater independence.
  • Offer guidance and support: Try and strike a balance between offering assistance and allowing individuals to take the lead, whilst still ensuring they have the necessary resources and support available.

Explore assistive technologies

Assistive technologies can be valuable tools for people with learning disabilities by helping them communicate with the world around them. Being able to express their own needs and wants can help people with learning disabilities live with greater choice and control over their own lives.

Here are some examples of assistive technologies that can support learning and daily living:

  • Text-to-speech software: This technology converts written text into spoken words, helping people with reading difficulties or visual impairments. It can be used for reading digital documents, websites, or e-books.
  • Speech recognition software: Software that allows people to dictate their thoughts and have them converted into written text. It can be helpful for people who struggle with writing or typing.
  • Electronic organisers and reminders: These devices or applications help people with organisation, time management, and memory tasks. They can set reminders for appointments, deadlines, and important events.
  • Visual aids and graphic organisers: Visual supports, such as charts, diagrams, or mind maps, can assist individuals in organising information, making connections, and understanding complex concepts.
  • Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR): AR and VR technologies provide interactive and immersive experiences that can teach daily living and social skills. They create virtual environments where people can practise real-life scenarios and gain greater confidence.

Look after yourself

Supporting someone you love with a learning disability can be rewarding but also challenging at times. It’s crucial to prioritise your own well-being to ensure you can provide effective support.

Here are some strategies for self-care:

  • Seek support networks: Connect with support groups, online communities, or local organisations that cater to caregivers of individuals with learning disabilities. Sharing experiences and insights with others who understand can provide emotional support and valuable advice.
  • Take breaks and time for yourself: Caregiving can be demanding, so it’s essential to schedule regular breaks and engage in activities you enjoy. Taking time for self-care allows you to recharge, reduce stress, and maintain a healthy balance in your life.
  • Educate yourself: Continuously educate yourself about learning disabilities, including the specific challenges and strengths associated with different conditions. This knowledge can enhance your understanding, empathy, and ability to provide appropriate support.
  • Practice stress management techniques: Develop coping strategies to manage stress, such as exercise, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies. Finding healthy ways to alleviate stress can positively impact your well-being.

Responding to behaviours that challenge

Challenging behaviour is any behaviour that can cause distress in the individual or those around them such as kicking, biting, throwing or self-injury. While it can be distressing to see your loved one behave this way, it’s important to remember that challenging behaviour is often the result of a person being unable to express their needs or wants. They may feel hungry, tired or upset but are unable to communicate or vocalise these feelings to those around them.

The first step to managing challenging behaviour is to try and understand if there is a reason behind the behaviour. Could the person be in pain, bored or uncomfortable? You can use picture cards that display emotions to try and have the individual express how they are feeling.

If the situation is safe and the person is not in any danger or pain, you can try and distract them from the behaviour through their favourite hobbies, snacks, or other activities. Try putting on their favourite TV or music or asking them to follow you into another room.

Here we provide further information and guidance on responding to challenging behaviours. For advice and guidance tailored to your circumstances, speak to your GP or other healthcare professional about the challenging behaviour.

Encourage annual health checks

People with learning disabilities often live with other medical or mental health needs that need the regular attention and support of a healthcare provider. This allows for doctors to spot any potential problems sooner so that people with learning disabilities get the treatments they need to stay well.

Anyone with a learning disability over the age of 14 can receive a free annual health check from the NHS. If you are on the doctor’s practice learning disability register, you should be invited by your doctor to come for an annual health check.

Promote social inclusion

Many people with learning disabilities enjoy socialising with others and making new friends, they may simply need some extra support to engage in social activities. Here are some practical tips on encouraging socialisation:

  • Support social skill development: Help the person grow their social skills by providing guidance on appropriate social behaviours, greetings, turn-taking, conversation skills, and conflict resolution techniques. This can help them build confidence and navigate social situations with ease.
  • Foster positive friendships: Encourage the development of friendships by facilitating social connections with peers who share common interests or have similar abilities. Support the individual in building and maintaining these relationships through regular social interactions and outings.
  • Facilitate social interactions: Create opportunities for people with learning disabilities to engage in social activities and connect with others. This can include participating in group activities, clubs, and community events, or joining social skills development programs.
  • Address communication barriers: Support people with learning disabilities in interacting with others by removing any barriers to communication. Encourage active listening, clear expression, and explore assistive technologies that can resolve communication difficulties.

Consider Specialist Support

Specialist support services, such as supported living and residential care, offer many benefits for people with learning disabilities. These services provide personalised care and support tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. Specialist support services can experience an enhanced quality of life by providing a safe and supportive environment that promotes independent living skills, meaningful activities, and necessary healthcare and therapy services.

Here at Liaise, our goal is to create a safe, happy and enriching environment for people with learning disabilities. In our community-based supported living and residential care homes, our dedicated staff works hard to promote personal growth and social interaction. We encourage the people we support to learn new skills, build meaningful relationships and achieve positive outcomes in their lives.

Learn more about our specialist support for learning disabilities. 

Learn More About Supported Living and Residential Care

We believe that with the right support in place, a full and independent life is possible for everyone.

We are here to support you and your family. If you would like to learn more about our autism care and support services, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.