I have been honoured over the years at Liaise to receive some awards of recognition including:
– The positive change award in 2018
– Director’s employee of the year in 2019
– And the working together award in 2020
I was lucky enough to be supported through my NVQ level 5 in leadership in adult care which I achieved in 2021
2. Why do you do what you do?
My brother was diagnosed with Autism when he was a child, we didn’t know a lot about autism before then and at the time I felt it was almost quite a secretive subject, the more I learnt the more interested I became, and that is what led me to applying for a support worker position at Marika House in 2016, and it was the best decision I have made! I have loved every moment of my time here and I cannot wait to see what the future holds! The people that we support at Marika House keep me motivated, some days they support me just as much as I support them!
3. What is a personal goal you are taking steps to achieve?
A personal goal of mine is to buy a house, the problem is I love buying things that in reality I really don’t need, I am working on this and trying to have more self-restraint, I have also banned myself from B&M!
4. What can we find you doing in your spare time?
You will probably find me walking my dog who is the centre of my universe, to say I am obsessed is a bit of an understatement, he’s a 55KG Dogue De Bordeax called Buster but despite his size he is a big baby! Otherwise I am in a bridezilla mode as I am planning my big day which is happening next October.