March 2020 Update

Over the forthcoming months, Liaise will be sending out brief monthly newsletters to keep all informed about our services during the challenging times we are all facing. The Coronavirus has challenged all our lives and for the people who rely upon our support within Liaise, the challenges can be more profound. Therefore, we are grateful to have such skilled and dedicated employees working tirelessly to help and support each person. I am sure you are aware that we are a specialist service and have our own therapy teams comprising Occupational Therapists, Positive Behaviour Specialists and Speech and Language Therapists. The additional specialist resource brought by our therapy teams helps provide a uniquely creative approach to the restrictions and changes in normal routines. We extend our love and support to everyone associated with Liaise.

Within our services, we are creating bespoke new activity plans designed for each person. These plans focus on indoor activities whilst the Coronavirus restrictions are in place. The picture to the left was taken at our residential service in High Wycombe, Totteridge House. The importance of reflecting on positives can be helpful in supporting good mental health and the positivity cards to the right are being used in our services.

Website Resource:
On our Liaise Website, we have added a resource tab and by accessing this anyone can download ideas for activities that we have designed and/or used in our services. The link to the resources is: We are happy to take enquires from anyone wishing to ask for guidance or support from our specialist teams during this challenging period.

Referrals and Placements
We have a range of both individual apartments and shared accommodation that remains available for people. We recognise the challenges presented by the Coronavirus in terms of assessment and potential placement, but we encourage everyone to continue to refer to us over this period and we will review and risk assess each circumstance as it is presented to us.
‘Your wisdom, patience, knowledge and skills contributed to what was in my view one of the best-planned transitions that has ever been undertaken for a young person’.
For more information about our services please access our website or alternatively contact Mark Horton at