Sam’s Journey to Independence at Knoll House

Sam* is a 27-year-old man who has been living at Knoll House for the past four years. During this time, he has faced many personal challenges, but with the dedicated support of the Knoll House team, he has made remarkable progress toward regaining control of his life and achieving his goals. Sam lives with a mild learning disability, OCD, asthma, and, more recently, has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. These conditions have made everyday tasks difficult, and Sam often found it hard to stay motivated, saying, “I can’t be bothered and don’t see the point.”

When Sam’s support team first started working with him, he was quite withdrawn, isolating himself from the world around him. He avoided interacting with staff and preferred to stay in his room, finding it hard to trust those offering him care. He even rejected staff company when going outside, preferring to be alone. His growing isolation was a concern for the team, who knew that building trust and rapport would be key to helping him move forward.

In early 2024, Sam experienced an increase in challenging behaviours, and his support team knew they needed to find new ways to engage with him. After a particularly tough day, Sam reached out to staff for a conversation where he opened up for the first time in a long while. He shared that he had been dealing with negative thoughts for a long time, which had recently become more intense. He expressed fears that he couldn’t improve but bravely asked the team for help. When asked what he wanted most in life, Sam said he longed to get a job and explore new places, but his anxiety held him back. His team reassured him that they could support him, but it would require small steps, starting with him being open to receiving their help.

The staff worked closely with Sam to set achievable goals. They asked him to come up with three things he wanted to learn or jobs he’d like to try. In the following weeks, Sam and his team worked together to explore his behaviours, identifying healthier ways to manage stress. They introduced coping strategies, allowing Sam to use certain quiet areas of the house to relax when he felt overwhelmed.

As Sam began to engage more with his support team, they helped him take on small tasks around the house, such as gardening, shed maintenance, and even decorating for events like the World Cup. One significant achievement was when Sam took charge of organising and preparing food for a party. This was a major step for Sam, who had struggled with shared food due to his OCD. The team continued to support him in practical ways, helping him build confidence and regain control of daily routines.

Another milestone came when Sam, who hadn’t had a haircut in six months, decided to face the challenge. His support team encouraged him, and with their backing, he finally felt ready. Important victories like these helped Sam regain confidence and feel more in control of his life.

With his confidence growing, Sam attended a review meeting with his case manager. His team encouraged him to advocate for himself, and he did just that, clearly outlining why he needed 1-to-1 support and sharing his future goals. As a result, Sam was granted 15 hours of 1-to-1 support per week, which his team helped him plan out carefully. They worked together to organise his hours, saving some for a full day of activities at the end of each month, such as trips to London. Sam fully embraced this new routine, even asking for earlier support to establish a morning routine—a significant change for someone who previously stayed in bed until the afternoon.

In October 2024, Sam took another huge step forward. He expressed a desire to visit Bluewater shopping centre, a place he had only visited with his parents, where his anxiety usually required medication. This time, with the support of his team, Sam spent the day shopping without needing medication and even sent a photo of himself smiling—a powerful testament to how far he had come.

Sam’s journey at Knoll House has been one of incredible transformation. Thanks to the consistent and patient support of his team, Sam has not only regained confidence in himself but has also started to take charge of his future. He now has clear goals: securing a volunteer role, finding paid work, and eventually moving into a supported flat where he can live independently.

The team at Knoll House is incredibly proud of Sam’s progress and looks forward to continuing to support him on the next steps of his journey.

*Name changed for privacy.