7 Reasons Residential Care is Ideal for Adults with Mental Health Needs

More or less all of us are emotionally vulnerable. While some of us can somehow manage to cope with the situation, some need specialised support to lead a better life. Residential care is one of the many services that offer a supportive home to people with specific emotional and social needs. If you are considering a care service for your loved one, these are some of the reasons you can lay your trust in residential care.

  1. Individual care: The care specialists work on an array of mental health conditions including autism, Asperger’s, learning disabilities, and other complex behaviours. They will work closely with the support team and yourself to understand the needs of your loved one and upon this customised an individual residential care pathway accordingly.
  2. Safety is a priority: Constant support is often one of the biggest challenges in a regular family setting. Some of the family members might be busy at work, some might be too old or maybe ill-health to keep a constant tab on their loved one. This is where residential care comes to play. Safety and security top their priority list and they ensure a member of the support teams are always there to look after the individuals 24 hours a day.
  3. Healthcare facilities: Besides catering to the mental needs of an individual, the carers also provide an effective healthcare plan. The staff of the care homes is trained to act promptly to an emergency and report it to a respective medical professional to take control of the situation. Besides, all of the service users are closely monitored to get a better understanding of their learning and physical health needs and those are addressed accordingly.
  4. Friendly peers: Residential care homes provide the right environment to encourage more social interaction. This way service users are often able to develop emotional and social interests. The surroundings are also very pleasing and homely to lend a family-living feel to the individuals.
  5. Customised accommodation: The surroundings are adjusted according to the specific needs and wishes of the service user. A good residential home will provide you with multiple lodging options such as en-suite bedrooms, studio flats, self-contained apartments, etc.
  6. Therapeutic intervention: Their individual care plan includes a host of therapeutic interventions along with activities such as improving social interaction skills and daily living skills, speech, and language therapy, positive behaviour support, play therapy and other personalised care.
  7. Healthy meal plans: Every individual has a different taste for food. The meal plans in a residential set-up are prepared according to the specific requirements and wishes of the service user after consulting with their support team and other care professionals.