A Heartwarming Welcome: Philip’s Journey to St. James House

We’re excited to share a wonderful update on Philip’s journey to his new home at St James House, which took place a couple of weeks ago. It’s been an incredible transition for him, and we couldn’t be more pleased with how everything has unfolded. 

Philip’s move from Joseph House in Norfolk to St James House was a memorable adventure. From the start, Philip was in high spirits, singing along to his favourite tunes in the van and sharing engaging stories of his time during the journey. A pleasant lunch break added to the enjoyment, and despite the busy day, we arrived at St James House well ahead of schedule, around 4pm. 

Brother John arrived at 6pm as planned, and Philip was thrilled to see him. Their heartfelt call with mum was a highlight, with mum beaming at the news of Philip’s happiness. A shared dinner was the perfect conclusion to a day full of positive experiences. 

Since moving in, Philip has embraced his new environment with enthusiasm. He’s been actively exploring the Dartford community, visiting Dartford Park, strolling through the local area, and popping into shops for lunch. His eagerness to engage with his surroundings has been truly inspiring. A recent joy was making a short recording of himself; the smile that spread across his face upon hearing his own voice was simply heartwarming. 

Philip’s happiness and adaptability in his new home are a testament to his vibrant spirit. It’s clear he’s found a place where he feels comfortable and content. We’re thrilled to see him thriving at St James House and look forward to sharing more of his exciting adventures in the future!Â